Innovative solutions for your field

Innovative solutions for your field

Innovative solutions for your field

Innovative solutions for your field

Field testing

Faithful to our high quality standards, at MERISTEM we test all of our products in the field before launching them on the market. By doing so we not only guarantee their effectiveness, but also that the dose and the application times that we recommend for each crop are appropriate. Our field tests are carried out with the collaboration of independent external bodies, accredited for this purpose. In this section it is possible to consult the results of field tests carried out with different products on different crops.
Crop: Wine grapes

Product: Aminomax N

Description: Aminomax N increases the nitrogen that can be easily assimilated in wine grapes, thus improving the quality of the must and the fermentation process.
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Crop: Apricot

Product: CTA Stymulant 4

Description: Effectiveness of the biostimulant CTA Stymulant 4 applied to apricot to encourage the flowering process, setting and reduce fruit falling.

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Crop: Table grapes

Product: CTA Stymulant 4

Description: The application of CTA Stymulant 4 encourages the lengthening of bunches of table grapes.

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Crop: Fruit (various)

Product: Stimax Color

Description: Stimax Color is a biostimulant capable of inducing ripening and improving the colouring of fruit in different crops.

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Crop: Table grapes

Product: Stimax Color

Description: Earlier harvest and an increased colour intensity of the berries of table grapes treated with Stimax Color.

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Crop: Greenhouse melon

Product: Molibor Extra

Description: Molibor Extra is a biostimulant intended to improve the flowering of the melon as well as its setting ability.

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Crop: Greenhouse melon

Products: Molibor Extra · Vigortem S

Description: Synergy of the combination of Molibor Extra and Vigortem S in order to significantly increase the production and quality of the melon.

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Crop: Greenhouse pepper

Product: CTA Stymulant 4

Description: CTA Stymulant 4 is a valuable ally for improving the productivity of greenhouse pepper.

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Crop: Wine grapes

Products: Stimax Flash · CTA Stymulant 4 · Aminomax N · Potamax
Description: Fertilizer plan designed to improve the productivity and quality of fruit wine grape crops.
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Crop: Apricot

Product: Maxitem

Description: The application of Maxitem to apricots helps to improve the production of the crop by increasing the number of fruits and making them fatter.

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Crop: Strawberry

Products: Lidex Premium · Maxitem

Description: The combination of Lidex Premium and Maxitem on strawberries helps to increase the number of commercial fruits and their average weight, thus benefiting the productivity of the crop.

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Crop: Table grapes

Products: Vigortem S · CTA Stymulant 4 · Maxitem · Stimax Color · Kakun · MERISTEM Calwin
Description: Fertilization plan designed to improve the productivity and quality of fruit in table grape crops.
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Crop: Greenhouse tomato

Product: CTA Stymulant 4

Description: Results of the use of CTA Stymulant 4 on greenhouse tomato crops to increase productivity and the quality of the harvest.

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Crops: Potato · Cucumber

Product: Kafom Mg

Description: Results of the application of Kafom Mg on potato and cucumber crops.

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Crop: Pepper

Product: Maxitem

Description: Maxitem helps to fill out peppers, thus increasing the calibre and productivity of the crop.

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Crop: Greenhouse tomato

Product: Maxitem

Description: Large increase in the calibre and productivity of the greenhouse tomato crop after the application of the biostimulant Maxitem during the fruit development stage.

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